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Here's to 2020!

Writer's picture: Julia HeckJulia Heck

12/31/19-NYE As I’m watching the 2019 year in review on the Today Show, I can’t help but reflect on my own year. It’s amazing the highs and lows that each year, and even each day can bring. It’s so important to look at each of those days and realize that there is light on the other side. It’s incredible once you realize how much good is in this world, even when you might not always see it.

This whole cancer experience has really brought a lot out of me already. Every day I make time for things that are important to me and don’t take advantage of “just being alive”. I’m somewhat thankful for this experience making me realize that each day IS a blessing! It's a hard pill to swallow that my life will never be the completely the same, but as long as I'm still enjoying and laughing through life with my peeps, I know that it is going to be okay, and even better than okay!

I am so lucky to be going through Pluta, with amazing nurses. They're all so welcoming and understanding. It's nice that I can ask any question that comes to mind, and they don't think I'm crazy or asking ridiculous questions. Pluta is a phenomenal place to receive treatment and I know I am in great hands! My second treatment went well. I have noticed a little bit more fatigue the first few days after. It really takes a lot out of me, but I have to give credit to my body for working so hard to fight off this beast. I have already noticed physical changes in my tumor and I'm so excited to continue to see that and continue to know that the chemo is working.  I did have a downfall of this past treatment on 12/26/19 that REALLY upset me. My white blood cell count dropped to 1.0, which means my risk for infection is very high. They don't give chemo to patients with WBC counts below 1.0. Your WBC drops most 7-10 days after treatment, so this was expected, but I'm supposed to get treatment every week soooo....?! I wish there was ANYTHING I could do to make it go up, but unfortunately there is nothing that can be done. It does make me more conscious of going out though. I refuse to get the freaking flu or something stupid that will make me sick and then not be able to fight it. Of course everyone knows that I HATE saying that I can't do something or go out on NEW YEARS EVE, so this has been a very hard switch to having to say "no" at ALL. I also have been steering clear of the gym, because god only knows how many germs are in there?! 😷 I go for the next treatment on 1/2/20 again. It's hard to wait, which is a crazy thing to say, but I want to get this shiz over with! Then I realize that going more doesn't necessarily mean that it will work faster. We have to trust the process.  I started training for my half marathon... I'm DOIN it! I also found out that I can run as a DetermiNation Athlete, which means that I can raise money and run. It got even better when I realized that all the funds raised go to the American Cancer Society!! I'm so excited that I will be running for a cause that I am truly passionate about. I'm kind of bummed that it took THIS for me to want to raise so much money for it, but I guess better late than never.  I kinda like my short hair, I'm sad that I might have to see it go soon, but I'm excited for my wigs! 😀 #Fashion Here is a list my New Year's Intentions so that I can remain accountable 1. Run/walk daily 2. Read every day (Currently reading the Ali Wong book and DYING laughing) 3. Get back into my love for cooking 4. Get into photography! 5. Save money to go on trips and see more of the world! 6. Be more present-I started by deleting the facebook app off my phone  7. KICK CANCERS ASS 8. Wake up thankful for my life as a whole (family, friends, laughter, my job, good food and a body that is ready to fight) 9. Not an intention but I'll take credit for it... "dry jan, feb and march" (doesn't include sips here and there 😉) 1/2/19-Treatment III Maybe I'll start using roman numerals because it's cool, and so am I...

My WBC count DID GO UP!!! YAY! Sam joined me today which was special 🥰 I’m so relieved that I was able to receive treatment. I’m officially 1/4 of the way done with this part of treatment!

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